My life and what i think of the world today..

I needed a place to express my feelings, what i think of my life, and things that are happening in the world today. I've decided to blog. I'll be sharing my thoughts to the world. So here it goes.. :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wish you were mine.

Sometimes I wish the girls were mine. So that i can teach with no limits. Show them the right from wrong. Address their mistakes whenever and wherever i see them. Teach them courtesy, independence and religion (from what i've learnt).

Not that i don't want to do all of the above.

In this house, MIL and FIL teach certain things to the kids that don't make sense.

They complain about the Elrina not doing her chores, not washing her school shoes, not studying, not looking afther her sister etc.

But they just don't notice her efforts when she actually do it. For instance, doing her schoolwork and looking after her sisters. 
When it comes to chores and washing her shoes, they'll go, "Die ni memang, pemalas, tak tu nak buat sendiri" but in fact, they don't even teach, show or ask her to do it. AT ALL. 
How is she gonna if she dosen't know how to, and no ones showing her, and they always say just leave it? 

For the kids in this house, they are not taught on how to ask politely. I was te one who always remind them how they should ask, when they need something. 
Usually with MIL and FIL, they'll go, "NEK!!!  Air!!!" 
And i taught them to say, "can i have some water, PLEASE" 
But what a waste of effort, when i try to teach them in front of FIL and he interrupted and say,"sini, sini!" .....#%**!!!

It is also heartbreaking when i here that MIL and FIL actually blamed me or Nadine, whenever the kids reacted rudely to their mother. #%^*!!! 
First of all, i am never vulgar in front of kids. And it has always been an issue to me if i hear any of them swears. 
HOWEVER, their mother swear to her own kids and threathened them and mentally abusing them. And to MIL and FIL, she's just stress. %^#+!!!!!!! 
Everybody has problems, be it at work or at home. But these are you own kids. And you don't even care about what kind of mother you are towards them.
You don't even care about them. You don't even bother to look after them!!!! WHAT SELFISH, HEARTLESS MOTHER ARE YOU!!!

Ya Allah.

I just hate to see kids left aside when their mother enjoy her time of life.

These kids need you. They need your love and attention. 
If you can give the love and attention to your little princess that you had with you new husband. 
These are your son, your twins, and yor girl. These are the children you gave birth to. You don't even have the slightest sympathy for them. 

I have never met such a heartless mother.

I don't have my own child now. But i really hope i don't turn out like you.
Erlina is an incredibly bright girl. if she has all the right support, i foresee her going bery far in life. She'll be taking her PSLE this year. All i can do is, guide her with her homework and pray. And hope she go through it smoothly. Insya'Allah.
Also, hope that her surroundings does not affect her exams. Ya Allah, please guide her. Amin.



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